Simpsons Maris Otter Pale Ale Malt


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Simpsons Finest Maris Otter is the “Rolls Royce” of malts for the traditional brewer.  This legendary heritage barley variety is the base malt for traditional English Bitter beers, as well as Premium All-Ronders.  Maris Otter has a low nitrogen content and high extract, producing a rich malty flavour with exceptional Brewhouse performance and beer clarity.

Additional information


500 g, 2 kg, 25 kg

Beer Styles:

Cask Ales and English-Style Bitters, Premium All-Rounder

Malt Flavour:

Rich, Matly

Standard Research Method (SRM):

2.2 – 3.0

Colour (EBC):

4.5 – 6.5


up to 100%